START // About us // Press //
Information leaflets, Photo: Katja de Bragança


In this area you can find: all press releases regarding the TOUCHDOWN 21 project, the logo, and photos for downloading.

"The press interviews you well, such important people. With pictures, of course. And you just have to be a part of that."
(Julian Göpel)

In this download area all the up-to-date information regarding the TOUCHDOWN 21 project can be found.
These materials, all the photos and texts on the website, can only be used for press coverage of the TOUCHDOWN 21 project. Please refer back to the TOUCHDOWN 21 project, and the website

Please send two sample copies to the following address or inform us where the article is published online:
TOUCHDOWN 21 / Dr. Katja de Bragança / / Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 23 / D-53225 Bonn  /


Press Releases

Press release to the english-language version og the TOUCHDOWN 21 website

Pressemitteilung zur englisch-sprachigen Version der TOUCHDOWN 21 Website


Photos for downloading

Photos of the TOUCHDOWN 21 project zip-file for downloading

Björn Langenfeld, Verena Günnel and Angela Fritzen working at a workshop about chromosomes, Photo: Sandra Stein


zip-file / different sizes



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