What is TOUCHDOWN 21 about?
TOUCHDOWN 21 is a research project.
A research project with people with Down syndrome, about people with Down syndrome.
TOUCHDOWN 21 is a research project.
A research project with people with Down syndrome, about people with Down syndrome.
People with Down syndrome have always been around.
All over the world.
But there are still many things that we don't know.
We want to find out more.
How did they used to live?
How are they living today?
On this website we want to collect information.
We want people all over the world to be able to read it.
Dr. Katja de Bragança had the idea for this research project.
She is the project leader.
Katja was born in 1959.
She holds a doctorate in biology and is a human geneticist.
Since 1998 she is the editor-in-chief of "Ohrenkuss ...da rein, da raus" the magazine made by people with Down syndrome.
She received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2010.
There is an advisory board.
The TOUCHDOWN 21 advisory board.
The members of the advisory board are part of the project.
They provide advice.
They are experts from different fields.
These are the members of the advisory board:
Julia Bertmann was born in 1981.
Since 2001 she has been writing for the magazine „Ohrenkuss ...da rein, da raus“. She has Down syndrome.
As an expert she accompanies and advises the research project.
She writes:
"My role would be, that I look at how you work and I try to put myself into that place, and then I give the assessment."
Anne Leichtfuß was born in 1978.
She takes care of the website.
And she is an expert in communication and plain language.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heinz Schott was born in 1946.
He is a Professor of History of Medicine at the University of Bonn.
He is a doctor of medicine, and a philosopher.
From 1987 to 2014 he was the director of the Department of History of Medicine at the University of Bonn.
Many people and groups work with us or support us.
Either with money, with work or with knowledge.
Only with their help can the project TOUCHDOWN 21 continue.
The website has different areas.
In the area Everyday Life people with Down syndrome talk about their lives.
For example how they live, or if they are interested in politics.
In the area Trisomy 21 you can read everything about genetics.
For example, experts with or without Down syndrome explain what a chromosome is.
Or who Langdon Down was.
If you want to, you can learn about what can be found out through chromosome analysis.
The whole world should know more about people with Down syndrome.
That is why there was an exhibition all about Down syndrome at the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany from Autumn 2016 to March 2017.
There are still many unanswered questions about Down syndrome.
Scientists all around the world are researching it.
For example in Bremen and in Melbourne.
We report on that in the Research section.
We think this website actually explains everything about Down syndrome.
But there are people that still have more questions.
For example journalists.
That is why they have their own area on this website.
We have taken much care in regards to the language on this website.
We want everyone to be able to understand it.
Some words are still difficult.
That is why we plan a glossary.
In the glossary you can read about, for example, what a chromosome is.
And you can read about who John Langdon Down was.
The text about John Langdon Down can be found in two versions - one in clear language and one in technical language.
If someone still can't understand something they can write us an email.
An expert will then try to explain the word.
Send the email to this address: leichtfuss@touchdown21.info
That can take a little while.
Please be patient.
There is also a users manual for this website.
It explains how to use the website.
How it is set up.
Where to find which information.