Germany, Wittlich
My Rock King Rico
The band My Rock King Rico hits audiences in their heart, and it draws them in, with a lot of energy and fun.
My Rock King Rico is a rock band from Germany.
The band was founded in 2012.
In Maria Grünewald, in Wittlich.
The band has 7 members.
2 of the 7 members have Down syndrome.
My Rock King Rico makes rock music with German lyrics.
The band members write their own lyrics.
The lyrics have many themes.
Such as love, and everyday experiences.
These are the members of My Rock King Rico:
- Singer and writer Patrick Fett
- Singer Simone Eberhard
- Singer Sandra Baron
- Singer and writer Udo Bohn
- Bass player Martin Gachot
- Drummer Jörg Bohn
- Guitar player and writer Franz-Josef Ostermann
Simone Eberhard sings in the band.
She says:
"It's a good feeling, standing on stage.
I like singing about Love."
Patrick Fett sings in the band and writes lyrics.
He says:
"We have many shows under our belt. Making music is part of my life. It's cool - our rehearsals, our shows, and interviews.
I feel like a rock star."
2014 the band performed at a festival in Peking, China.
2015 the band made its first album.
It’s called “Free”.
2016 „My Rock King Rico“ competed together with the dance project "Rico And HiS Dancing Girls".
It was a competition organised by music and culture magazine "Tracks".
The band won the competition.