Deutschland, Rüsselsheim
Silvia Jasmin Krüger
Silvia Jasmin Krüger runs her own food stall in Rüsselsheim, called Imbiss-Oase (Snack Oasis). She is also the German female bench press champion.
Silvia Jasmin Krüger is 37 years old.
She runs her own food stall. For 10 years now.
The stall is called Imbiss-Oase (Snack Oasis).
She says about her work:
"I am glad that I have a food stall, that I sell something.
A workshop would not work for me at all.
Because that has to do with disabled people.
And I don't feel disabled."
Adeline Krüger is Silvia Jasmin Krüger's mother.
In the beginning she helped her daughter with the Imbiss-Oase.
She recounts:
"On the first and second day I joined in.
On the third day she could already do it all better than me."
Silvia Jasmin Krüger is also an athlete.
10 times already she has become the German national female champion in an event known as the strength-triathlon.
And she is the current German female bench press champion.
That means that she lifts weights.
Very successfully.
She has won many trophies and medals.
She is the only participant with a disability in these competitions.
Furthermore Silvia Jasmin Krüger writes texts for the magazine Ohrenkuss... da rein, da raus.
She dances in her free time, watches the German TV series Tatort (Crime Scene) and likes to do her nails.