Poland, Poznań
Katarzyna Hirsch
Katarzyna Hirsch is a painter. She makes ceramic art, and silhouettes.
Katarzyna Hirsch lives in Poland.
She is 30 years old.
She is a ceramic artist.
She makes ceramic vessels and globes.
Katarzyna Hirsch is also a painter.
And she makes silhouettes.
Katarzyna Hirsch loves to give her friends and family small gifts that she has made herself.
If you ask her why, she says:
"Because they love me."
Katarzyna Hirsch is very conscious of her body, her talents, and her life as a woman.
She really likes wearing make-up and doing her nails.
She always wears black clothing.
She stays fit with aerobics.
Aerobics is a mixture of dance and fitness.
Katarzyna Hirsch works in the Art-Workshop Krzemień, which is a small workshop for adults with a disability.