Many people love to travel.
Also with Down syndrome.
If they prefer to travel to Mongolia or in the Eifel, will be revealed here.
The Ohrenkuss-Team travelled to Mongolia in 2005.
While there they filled a log-book with 180 pages.
And they made a movie.
Veronika Hammel joined this trip to Mongolia.
She wrote in her log-book about how to go to the toilet in the Steppe, the Mongolian Grasslands.
For going to the toilet in the Steppe, here’s how it's done:
“If you have to go to the loo in the Steppe, you have to walk further into the Steppe. Then you go into a squat.
And the backside in the other direction, so you don't show it to the people.
And then the toilet paper gets burnt.
You have to take a lighter.
Then we burned the toilet paper.
Then you don't go into the water, because it is holy water.
In water you can bathe!"
Angela Fritzen was in Egypt.
She wrote about her travels:
“The journey is from Egypt.
When I make the trip to Egypt, then I would get my sandwich made by my mum.
Because she knows how I like it.
My sandwich is in my sandwich box.
Then I would take them along to Egypt and in between eat something, otherwise I'd starve myself.
The sandwich is so tasty, I find it enchanting.”
People with Down syndrome are curious and they like to travel.
It's the same with Hermine Fraas.
She has been lucky to be able to go on many study tours in her life.
She loves to write travel reports.
Here is one of them:
Study tour
by Hermine Fraas
„My mummy already took us on study trips when we were children.
To Leipzig, to Dresden, to Berlin and to Magdeburg.
We had little money then.
But we went to many museums.
And to churches and to many theatres.
Also to the comic opera.
My mummy said that that is part of an education.We never ate out.
That was too expensive.
Eating is something you can do at home.
But there aren't many theatres.
We could buy one ice cream on every trip.We also went often to Dresden and in the art exhibition and the Kreuzkirche.
That's where the bad attack was in the war.
And there was a requiem and that was played every year.
That always made me cry.
Also so many choir children died.
My mummy also spoke much about the war.
She went through it.
And we also saw the stone pile of the Frauenkirche.
And now I saw a show where the golden cross was gifted from England.In Berlin I also met Goyko Mitich.
He was always in the western movies.
He gave me an autograph.
Claudia was too scared.
I also wrote him a letter.
That letter is in my book, too.
You can read it if you want to.
I can't write it here, I'm too lazy for that.I am a real globe trotter my daddy always said.
In the time of the GDR I went to the USSR, to Tschechien, to Hungary, to Bulgaria, to Poland and also by boat on the Black Sea.My daddy said we are mad.
But he let us.
He only came along on the Djepr.
That is a big river in the Soviet Union.
He said we could go to Honolulu but please without him.
My mummy always pushed the trip through.
She said, who knows if Mine can come along much longer.
And she did it for my sake.
Often I fell over on the journeys.
My blood pressure is too low.
That were often disasters.
And my mummy said, Mine we should stay home.
But I always said, we will keep going.
In my book "I can write" are many travel reports of mine.
Because I always kept a diary.
That was a trick of my mother.
She wanted to practice writing with me and also have some quiet sometimes.
When I wrote, she went out on her own and did some sight seeing.
I couldn't join in everything, because I walk slowly.
I can't write down all my travel memories here.
You can read it in my book.
Now, I still like to travel a lot.
I am looking forward to the 7th of May.
Then I will travel with my residential group to Austria.
We will see castles there.
And there will be a lot to eat.
But dumplings I don't like to eat.
But, alas you don't have to.
I will bring home a souvenir from the trip for myself.
Once I bought a basket of a basket maker.
I also buy books and postcards. If I forget my mummy will grumble.
Of course she wants to see where I went.I've been away with the workshop every year, too.
That was also exciting.
On the ghost train and once I lost my group.
And once I fed monkeys from a window.
We went to a adventure park on a ride.
I didn't dare to go into the submarine in Bremerhaven but the men went inside.I hope I can travel many more times, because I am a curious."