START // Global // Fernanda Honorato //

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Fernanda Honorato

Fernanda Honorato is Brazil’s first T.V. reporter and host with Down syndrome. She reported live from the Olympic Games.

Fernanda Honorato works as a T.V. reporter.
She is the first T.V. reporter with a disability in Brazil.
She likes that.
She loves her work.
Her show is called "Programa Especial".
She reports, for example, on sport and on accessibility.
Her program shows moments from the lives of people living with a disability.
This is similar to the German program "Menschen - das Magazin".

For the future, Fernanda wishes for even more.
She says the following about the rights of people with Down syndrome:

"We are not different to the others - but we make the difference.
However we want more: We want a real chance in society."

At the Olympic Summer Games 2016, Fernanda Honorato worked as a volunteer at the Olympic Park.
Regarding her work there she says:

"The work here is wonderful.
It is an incentive and motivation for us.
We will never forget these days."

Fernanda Honorato is a member of a samba school.
She loves the carnival, the theatre and the "bath in the crowd".
Fernanda Honorato is also enthusiastic about soccer.
When her favourite team looses, she bursts into tears.

Fernanda Honorato is proud to be a role model for many people with Down syndrome.
She says:

"Every person with a disability has the right to their own life path.
Everybody has potential and everybody should be able to do what he can do well."

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