USA, Iowa, Tripolis
Michael Biermann
Michael Biermann lives in Tripolis, Iowa.
He is 18 years old and has just passed his driving test.
Michael Biermann is in his last year of high school in Tripolis, Iowa.
Afterwards he would like to study agriculture at college.
He comes from a farm that has been going for 5 generations.
He will be able to drive to college himself because he has his driver's license since June 2016!
His learners driving permit he has had for 3 years.
He needed 4 attempts to pass his practical driving test.
At the beginning the fear of the test was far too big.
A driver's license ultimately means having the freedom to be able to drive anywhere.
Michael has dreamt to drive on his own since he was a child.
He started practicing early.
At 4 years of age he drove a child's car with batteries.
Since then he has dared to drive faster and faster vehicles.
Now he has passed his test.
With only one mistake.
Michael Biermann has a few tips for all those who want to get their license:
"Get all the necessary information.
Use the internet.
Study with flash cards - I got mine off the internet.
Drive on country roads without traffic.
Practice with your parents and learn from your mistakes.
Don't be too hard on yourselves.
Ask your parents or grandparents what you have to do.
Use chalk on the footpath to practice parking sideways and practice a lot.
I believe in you!
I know you can do this!"