Finland, Helsinki
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät is a punk band from Finland. Of the 4 musicians in the band, 3 have Down syndrome.
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät is a band from Finland.
The abbreviated band name is PKM.
The band has now been around for 6 years.
4 musicians make up PKM.
3 of the 4 musicians in the band have Down syndrome.
1 musician is autistic.
PKM make punk music.
These are the band members:
- Kari Aalto, vocals
- Pertti Kurikka, guitar
- Sami Helle, bass
- Toni Välitalo, drums
Sami Helle who plays bass for the band says:
„Our band members are 4 middle aged men, that all have an intellectual disability.
Our music is - naturally - Finnish punk.“
The lyrics of the band cover many topics.
For example: Problems in society.
Or, foot care.
In 2015 PKM represented Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest..