Argentina, Bariloche
Lucciano Muñoz Salvatore
Lucciano Muñoz Salvatore is 11 years old.
He races motocross.
Lucciano Muñoz Salvatore is 11 years old.
He races motocross.
That is, motorbike racing on dirt bikes.
He participates in the races officially.
For example the "Campeonato Argentino de MX".
When he was younger Lucciano always accompanied his father and brother to the race track. On his bike with training wheels.
He watched them train.
When he was 7 Luciano said that he also wanted to ride motocross.
So his family got him a bike.
His brother taught him how to ride.
He showed him everything. Lucciano copied him.
Lucciano trains on the training circuit "La Cascada".